Rose: the Best Healer of All Time

There are a lot of epithets and metaphors in a human language describing the beauty of rose. People call rose unbelievable, beautiful and fragrant. Rose is possessing a title of the flower queen. And the rose in its turn gives us its nice scent and its unrivaled beauty. Originally rose has been cultivated in the Middle East and it has mesmerized all the other nations with its beauty. Many people all over the world name rose without doubting when they are asked what their favorite flowers.

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Gamers and Schizoids Make the Same Mistakes

The Italian psychologists made a research and found out that the people addicted to the computer games are unable to analyze their mistakes. The specialists had tested the group of 20 gamers and compared the results with the ones of the average people with different hobbies. The tasks were the same. The analysis of these people’s answers showed that though the both groups had the same intellectual level, the fans of the computer games continue repeated making the previous mistakes.

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